“Aloha Spirit“ is the coordination of mind and heart … it’s within the individual — it brings you down to yourself. You must think and emote good feelings to others.

A - stands for Akahai, meaning Kindness, to be expressed with tenderness.

L - stands for Lokahi, meaning Unity, to be expressed with harmony.

O - stands for ‘Olu’olu, meaning agreeable, to be expressed with pleasantness.

H - stands for Ha’aha’a, meaning humility, to be expressed with modesty.

A - stands for Ahonui, meaning patience, to be expressed with perseverance.

  • It is a razon's edge. It is the width of a blade of pili grass. - Queen Lili'uokalani

    “You must remember never to cease to act because you fear you may fail. The way to lose ay earthly kingdom is to be inflexible, intolerant, and prejudicial. Another way is to be too flexible, tolerant of to may wrongs, and without judgment at all. It is a razor’s edge. It is the width of a blade of pili grass. To gain the kingdom of heaven is to her what is not said o see what cannot be seen, and to know the unknowable - that is Aloha.”

  • Silence allows you to tap the source of your being, the still all-knowing center. - Nana Veary

    Silence allows you to tap the source of your being, the still all-knowing center. We enter the silence through meditation. The highest form of meditation is inner stillness. In meditation let you mind and heart release all that disturbs you. Let your body an all that surrounds it be still. Let the earth and sea and air and heaven itself be still.

  • E Hō Mai Ka ʻIke - Edith Kanakaole

    An excerpt from the chant “E Hō Mai“ composed by the late Edith Kanakaole. An inquiry to those that came before you to grant ancestral insight from above.

  • Aloha is water. Its strength can overcome everything, yet it flows to the place of least resistance. It is life itself. - Tanouye Tenshin

    To abide with Tao in the world is to be the same as mountain streams flowing to the rivers and the seas. - Tao Te Ching